Cost of Living Calculator

Are you new to B.C. or thinking of moving here? Need help deciding where to live and work?
The Cost of Living Calculator can help you make the right move!

*Required fields

Click on a region to select a city

City - {model:cityName}

Expenses details for:


Monthly Housing & Transportation

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Monthly Living & Personal

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Monthly Savings & Finance (optional)


  • Pie chart
  • Bar graph

Annual expensesMonthly expenses

Housing & Transportation
{ expenses | propertyBy 'HousingAndTransportationExpense' model:period '$'}
Living & Personal
{ expenses | propertyBy 'LivingAndPersonalExpense' model:period '$'}
Saving & Finance
{ expenses | propertyBy 'SavingsAndFinance' model:period '$'}
Basic tax
{ expenses | propertyBy 'BasicTax' model:period '$'}
Income { expenses | propertyBy 'Income' model:period '$'}
Expenses { expenses | propertyBy 'Expenses' model:period '$'}

Monthly Housing & Transportation

- (Family size - ) { expenses | propertyBy 'HousingExpense' model:period '$'}
Property tax { expenses | propertyBy 'PropertyTaxExpense' model:period '$'}
House maintenance { expenses | propertyBy 'HouseMaintenanceExpense' model:period '$'}
Home insurance { expenses | propertyBy 'HomeInsuranceExpense' model:period '$'}
, { expenses | propertyBy 'TransportationExpense' model:period '$'}
Car insurance { expenses | propertyBy 'CarInsuranceExpense' model:period '$'}

Monthly Living & Personal

(Family size - )
{ expenses | propertyBy 'ConsumablesExpense' model:period '$'}
Health { expenses | propertyBy 'HealthExpense' model:period '$'}
Food { expenses | propertyBy 'FoodExpense' model:period '$'}
Entertainment { expenses | propertyBy 'EntertainmentExpense' model:period '$'}
Life Insurance { expenses | propertyBy 'LifeInsuranceExpense' model:period '$'}
Clothing { expenses | propertyBy 'ClothingExpense' model:period '$'}
Fitness { expenses | propertyBy 'FitnessExpense' model:period '$'}
Grooming { expenses | propertyBy 'GroomingExpense' model:period '$'}
Pets { expenses | propertyBy 'PetsExpense' model:period '$'}

Monthly Savings & Finances

Outstanding Loan Payments { expenses | propertyBy 'OutstandingLoanPayments' model:period '$'}
Retirement Savings Plan { expenses | propertyBy 'RetirementSavingsPlan' model:period '$'}
Registered Education Savings Plan { expenses | propertyBy 'RegisteredEducationSavingsPlan' model:period '$'}
Savings () { expenses | propertyBy 'Savings' model:period '$'}
Investment () { expenses | propertyBy 'Investment' model:period '$'}
Remaining { expenses | propertyBy 'Balance' model:period '$'}
The cost of living calculator (COLC) was built using data collected through the Economic Research Institute. You can view more detail on their data collection practices here. Please note that the COLC is meant to provide a basic estimate of the current cost of living in different B.C. cities; results received from this calculator are designed for comparative and information purposes only. Accuracy is not guaranteed.

Regional Details


Key Cities
Forecasted Annual Employment Growth Rate ({regionaldetails:DataYearStart}-{regionaldetails:DataYearEnd})
map of British Columbia highlighting the Northeast region

Employment Outlook

  • {regionaldetails:DataYearStart}
    {regionaldetails:EmploymentGrowthStartOfOutlook | thousandDelimiter}
  • {regionaldetails:DataYearMidpoint}
    {regionaldetails:EmploymentGrowthMidpointOfOutlook | thousandDelimiter}
  • {regionaldetails:DataYearEnd}
    {regionaldetails:EmploymentGrowthEndOfOutlook | thousandDelimiter}
Forecasted 10-year total employment growth
{regionaldetails:TotalEmploymentIncrease | thousandDelimiter}

Useful information for B.C. newcomers

B.C. Newcomers' Guide

Moving to a new country or province can be challenging. The B.C. Newcomers' Guide can provide you the information you and your family need to settle quickly in B.C.

Career Profiles

Can't decide which career is right for you? Browse our career profiles to learn job details and outlooks for 500 different occupations.

High Opportunity Occupations

Find your fit in B.C.'s growing economy. Learn which occupations are projected to have a large number of openings between 2022-2032.

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Useful information for B.C. residents

B.C. and Regional Profiles

Discover labour market details about B.C. and its seven economic development regions, including 10 year employment outlooks and more.

Research the Labour Market

Discover what drives B.C.'s economy, explore industries and learn about the province’s regions, population and 10-year employment outlook.

WorkBC Job Board

Find a job using the WorkBC Job Board. Search thousands of job postings throughout B.C. by salary, industry and region.

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Click on a region to select a city

City - {model:cityName}